Trading psychology is a myth

How many people told you that trading psychology is important ?

Everyone keeps going on about having the right mindset to trade and not let emotions take over you.

But has it ever actually helped?

Let me show you 3 reasons why it's a myth.

1 . We’re all different and so are our emotions:

Of course greed, panic and uncertainty are the big 3 among fomo that affect almost every trader.

But even with the same emotions everyone has a different reaction.

How can a one size fits all mentality exist?

How long would it last before everyone started doing the same thing?

2. External influences

Can you have a winning trading psychology in today's world?

No really, can you?

It's not what it use to be. A speech from Draghi or a tweet from Trump and the market was your playground.

Every year gets crazier with more impactful news events, war, disasters.

Do I need to go on?

Your personal trading psychology will not affect the larger market.

3 . It doesn't help you follow your strategy

See, most critics say developing your trading psychology distracts you from creating a concrete trading plan.

I claim that trading psychology does not help you follow your trading or risk management strategy.

Because what we truly need is discipline.

Discipline breeds consistency.

Discipline improves your skill, your body and your will power.

Discipline is the only thing that will help you trade the way you should.

Following the numbers instead of the emotions.

To be successful you need to be consistent.

This is not new information, everyone knows it.

To be consistent you need to remove all your emotions and trade like a robot.

Only discipline can allow you to do that.

If you want to see how disciplined traders make profits everyday on our free discord have a look this brief video here

Not everyone is disciplined, but everyone can build discipline.


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