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  • MACD doesn't work, use this instead

MACD doesn't work, use this instead

Love it or hate it,

MACD is a staple indicator in most traders' arsenal.

But not everyone can harness it's full potential.

I'm going to show you how to increase your profits by about 3300% using MACD with an edge that most traders don't have.

We all know that feeling of getting to know an indicator.

It's difficult, you compare it to others and in that frenzy you get lost in the market noise.

You either make some small losses or miss out on big opportunities.

Soon the frustration sets in.

You don't know whether to curse the indicator or yourself.

Desperation sets in and you begin losing discipline.

The 2 worst things in trading that go hand in hand can end up happening.

Blowing up your account and losing your hard earned money.

Less than 10% of traders continue trading after 2 years, the others quit along the way.

Is that who you want to be?

Someone who quit their passion only to regret it in your final hour?

I don’t think you are.

And I'm here to help you find clarity.

Not all MACDs are the same.

The MACD designed by SMRT Algo shows greater market volume giving you a clearer picture of the market momentum.

So you never have to exit early and miss any opportunities.

Only you know why you chose trading.

It may not seem like a life or death situation to stall on switching indicators…

But it could mean the difference between profit and loss for you

Between trading and giving up.

Bronnie Ware who wrote “top 5 regrets of the dying” said the #1 regret was "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."

All I can do is leave a link here to show you how our MACD works.

Your life.

Your choice.

Why Choose SMRT Algo?

Discover advanced trading signals with SMRT Algo’s cutting-edge tools, engineered for accuracy and to tackle market challenges.

Our versatile technology supports all assets in TradingView’s library on any device, analyzing real-time data in seconds.

Let’s transform your trading experience together.


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