But what if?...

The most powerful and dangerous question in the world.

What if it doesn't work?

What if it does?

The question can either kickstart a traders journey or kill their career.

As humans we are naturally wired to dislike change.

Anxiety and fear are deeply rooted into us when we try to leave our comfort zone.

Fear of the unknown, fear of missing out.

In trading you then see overtrading and revenge trading stemming from our fear of admitting failure.

So how would you phrase the question to help yourself?

Well most traders have done it before.

When confronted by cynicism from others and their doubts about setting on this journey.

The question “what if it works?” Is sometimes enough to start.

The problem comes when you start to trade.

What if the trend reverses?

What if I can make more?

What if I'm not wrong and reentering the same trade might be profitable?

As exaggerated as it sounds, if you truly traded then you have been in that moment before.

Realising only hours or days after the rookie mistakes that were made.

The truth is we need to conquer ourselves. Our psychology.

No AI can help you without that.

But what if SMRT Algo can be your first stepping stone?


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